My services.

  • Complimentary Consultations

    Whether you’re looking to buy or sell your home, I can provide you the information you need to get started.

  • Estimated Cost Sheets

    I can help you understand the cost breakdowns for buying and selling your home.

  • Schedule Home Viewings

    If you already have a list of homes that you’d like to look at or need help finding homes that meet your needs and budget, I can assist you.

  • Customized Home Value Reports (CMA)

    Looking to sell your house? I can craft a personalized Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) Report for you and your family.

  • Home Organization and Staging

    A well-organized home can be one of the biggest contributing factors of a memorable first impression. I can use my experience in staging and organizing homes BEFORE setting up a professional photoshoot, as well as a 3D virtual tour for potential buyers.

  • Concierge

    Are you in need of a contractor? Handyman? Electrician? I’m your one stop shop for all your real estate related needs.